375 – The Fallen with Lin Codega

And lo, in the eyes of the Echoing Empress, Guild Le Grande fell from favor, and fell from grace. There was a long road back into her glory ahead of them…

THE FALLEN: https://spadeandspear.itch.io/the-fallen

LIN CODEGA: https://twitter.com/lincodega

THE GAMING SHELF: https://gizmodo.com/author/lcodega

BLACK LIVES MATTER: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/#

ALL MY FANTASY CHILDREN: http://www.allmyfantasychildren.com/

YAZEBA’S BED & BREAKFAST: https://redcircle.com/shows/yazebas-bed-and-breakfast

PARTY OF ONE DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/SxpQKmK

SUPPORT JEFF ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/jeffstormer

THEME SONG: Mega Ran feat. D&D Sluggers, “Infinite Lives,” RandomBeats LLC, www.megaran.com